Monday, January 3, 2011

atas 6 filem version 2

lupakan bolasepak... 6 pilihan filem tahun 2010

1.inception : for obvious reason. mindfuck. swan : lesbian scene, mila kunis-natalie portman. WINNER! & last scene adalah masterpiece.

3.HOWL : every single line bole jadi mutiara kata yang cool. plus James Franco as a Allen Ginsberg. superb.

4.scott pilgrim vs the world : beyond awesome.

5.the social network : movie yang buat kita lagi benci dengan budak-budak genius. fuck.

6.kick-ass : kicked ass!

p/s: tron:legacy super stylish, easy A/youth in revolt/buried/the kids are all right/somewhere agak not bad,the other guys/due date/ hantu kak limah was funny. atleast for me la hor. & of course la ade berjuta lagi movie yang aku tak peduli & tak tengok.

iron man 2 : boring
magika : ntah macamana dapat best movie. bangang bangang bangang!


  1. Howl terbaik bro, 5 atas album of the year xda ka?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. turn out aku denga album-album 2007-2009 di 2010! so xleh la. ngeh.

    2010-these new puritans-hidden, the drums-the drums, arcade fire-suburbs ok.
    the xx-VCR pun ok tapi xdok album.
    hurts-happiness aku suko tapi mace gay..

    aku tgg mu buat jelah. ok?

  4. smlm br layan scott pilgrim. hell yeah its damn awesome~

  5. layan 127 hours pulak tum. awesome jugak.
    ataupun black swan. baru menari-nari.
    kalau nak jadi lesbian for life tgk the kids are all right. baik punye...
